My boy…

My boy got married! One day you are holding him, rocking him and singing over him with prayers for his future. Then he starts walking and opens up a whole new set of adventures. Before long, he’s talking up a storm (and I me, he was ALWAYS talking). He says “I love you, Mommy” a hundred times a day. His favorite place is right between mommy and daddy. Then, he’s off to school. We both cried a bit and tried to be tough. But it was a bittersweet day. Then he got in the car the first day of kindergarten and squealed “I love school!” And off we went on the next adventure.

Before long, he was playing all the sports, playing the piano and reading all the books. Every single minute was so much fun and we soaked up every experience. His friends moms became my friends. We shared the fun times with a big village of wonderful friends. There were so many wonderful coaches and teachers in elementary school that just poured into Harrison. And, of course, he became a big brother and that changed his whole world.

Then, off to middle school on a mother adventure. Woo Doggy…middle school is not for the faint of heart! But my boy gained a whole bunch of new friends and soaked up every minute of it all. It was the first time for school sports. The first time to sit out a season cuz he didn’t think he needed to turn in his science homework. And the beginning of building a strong work ethic and becoming more outgoing and starting to hone his leadership gene. There were always a bunch of boys in the driveway shooting hoops, eating our food and drinking our drinks. It was pretty awesome!

Then off to high school and all that entailed. More friends. Running hundreds of miles. Making his faith his own. Deepening friendships. And we went along for the ride to everything…me, Joe, Clara and Judy (Clara’s bitty baby). In about a minute, high school was over. And off he went to college. It seemed like the sweetest and saddest time all at once. It is fun to watch your kids soar. But it changes the rhythm of your life completely. And the rhythm is never the same again. But the new song is sweet too.

Then…he falls in love. REALLY falls in love, from the depths of his soul. And God brings the sweetest bride who we could not love any more. And you watch as God fulfills the promises that we had prayed for his entire life. It was the sweetest day filled with tears of joy and lots of laughter.

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